"Um, What Watches?!" and Other Gifting Qs Answered

We’re dipping our toes back into going places, and there’s been a real learning curve, tell you what. We’re talking toddlers ‘n travel and unpacking our packing lessons. Now to just remember to put this stuff in a carry-on next time…

the linkage:

the sponsors (and promos!):

  • Arm your immune system with Athletic Greens and get a one-year supply of Vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase when you use our link.

  • Snuggle up in Cozy Earth’s temperature-regulating sheets and take 35% off when you use the code ATHINGORTWO.

  • Support a business of any size with Shopify. Dig in with a free 14-day trial with our link.

  • Explore our spring gifting faves from MoMA Design Store and use or mention the code ATHINGORTWO online or in U.S. stores for 10% off your purchase now through May 29.



Guest Thingies with Emma Straub and Negotiating Advice That’s Stuck


What We Always, Always Pack and How to Travel with a Toddler