Jason Polan’s Legacy as an Artist and an Incredibly Kind Human

There’s so much to think about right now, it seems, but we’re going to take this opportunity to focus on one truly magical person: Jason Polan, an artist we’ve been in awe of for at least a decade who passed away at 37 in January. In a word: heartbreaking—but also a push to embrace living as much as he did. As we reflect on his life, his work, and his approach to both, we wanted to resurface an interview we did with him back in 2017, and if it makes you feel compelled to draw something (anything!), we bet he would have really liked that.

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Listen to this episode from A Thing or Two with Claire and Erica on Spotify. There's so much to think about right now, it seems, but we're going to take this opportunity to focus on one truly magical person: Jason Polan, an artist we've been in awe of for at least a decade who passed away at 37 in January.


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